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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 5, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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on "new day" at 7:00 a.m. dr. carson going to be answering to that report. thank you for joining us. set your dvr to record "outfront." "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. we begin tonight with two pieces of breaking news, first and foremost, something that could affect anyone that travels here at home. we're learning the tsa is weighing changes to u.s. airport security in the wake of the metro jet 9268 crash, that and president obama openly raising the possibility that a terrorist bomb brought the russian airbus down. >> i think there is a possibility that there was a bomb on board. and we're taking that very seriously. we're going to spend a lot of time just making sure that our own investigators and our own intelligence community figures out what is going on before we make any definitive pronouncements. it is certainly possible that there was a bomb on board. >> that was president obama talking to cbs radio affiliate
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kiro as video emerges of the immediate aftermath in egypt's desert. david cameron going one step further calling it a strong possibility a bomb did this more likely than not in his words. american and british intelligence telling us signs point to isis involvement however, maybe this is self-evident but possibly or a possibility is not the same as a certainty. indications are not evidence in the hard evidence so far remains flag m flag men tarry. we'll keep that in mind as we bring you the latest from correspondents around the globe. first tonight, pamela brown covering the investigation joins us what her sources are saying. what are you hearing, pamela? >> reporter: we're learning message traffic was an initial indicator the crash could be a terrorist attack. this was message traffic that was electronic and terrorists were boasting about the bombing
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of the airliner. sources say this occurred after the attack and at this point, the intelligence community didn't have anything before the attack indicating this was a threat but i want to point this out, that officials are warning this intelligence is inconclusive. the chatter is not definitive evidence. at times they will attempt to throw off intelligence agencies or trey to gain favor with others in the terrorist group though officials tell my colleague barbara starr this did not appear to be false bragging but rather discussion of the crash that had to be taken seriously so it caused concern but no conclusions yet, anderson. >> there was video released over the weekend that we haven't aught th authenticated and not showing here. >> this is footage reportedly shot by isis showing a plane exploding from below from two angles. this was initially posted online and taken down shortly after. it made the rounds and intelligence services around the
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world. initially the video was dismissed by the u.s. intelligence community. i'm being told that's the case but within other factions of the u.s. intelligence committee, they are going back to take a second look to scrutinize it. there are reasons to be skeptical. it would have been very difficult to know the exact geographical point the bomb would go off let alone film a plane 30,000 feet in the air. >> good point. let's go to ben wedeman that spent more time and done more reporting in egypt than anyone else or anyone i know. ben, i understand the egyptians continue to push back in the idea it may have been a bomb that brought down the plane. >> reporter: that is still the case, anderson. egyptian officials are insisting that no one should jump to any conclusions until their investigation into this bombing or this event is complete and we heard egyptian officials say that it could take months before that investigation comes out with even preliminary results.
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now egyptian officials are clearly concerned about the impact that this news is having on tourism. tourism, of course, a mainstay of the egyptian economy and probably already this event is having a huge impact on what egyptians were hoping would be a good year for tourism, anderson? >> ben, the egyptian civil aviation administration said they haven't been sharing information with egyptians. that's what he said, right? >> not only him but also the foreign minister told cnn after he had a phone conversation with u.s. secretary of state john kerry that until now, no intelligence has been shared with the egyptian investigators into this event. so they are sort of holding up their hands and saying okay, show us the proof.
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they say they just haven't gotten that yet, and this i think compounds their frustration. >> there is a sense or is there a sense of why the egyptians would be out of step with the americans and british on this? >> reporter: well, for one thing certainly since the summer of 2013 when that movement brought him to power, the relationship between washington and cairo has been rather prickly or stormy perhaps and that's perhaps one reason but i can tell you, i was here in october, november 1999 after the downing of egypt air flight 990 after taking off from jfk and back then there was a lot of tension between the egyptian and american investigators into the cause of that crash and when the ntsb came out with their final report on that crash, which of course was caused according to the ntsb
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by the co-pilot of that plane bringing the plane down, crashing it into the sea, the egyptians simply rejected the findings of the ntsb. i think this lack of trust perhaps between egyptian and american officials goes back many, many years. >> nothing new there. ben wedeman, thank you very much. we'll focus closer in a moment on the real state of security in sham el sheikh, talking to someone that ran most of the challenging terror operations. first, more on what to make of the intelligence picture tonight. joining us is former fbi super vicery special agent ally sufan and former federal assistant homeland security and former top homeland security official for the commonwealth of massachusetts. ellie, sounds like president obama is not as far out in front of this as david cameron was. what do you make of his comments? >> well, i think, you know, we have to be very careful.
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there is a possibility according to the intelligence case that it probably a bomb and i think the president have to be very carefully supporting our allies in the united kingdom. cameron has a totally different situation on the ground. he has about 20,000 british tourists. he has airlines that go there but i think we have to keep in mind this is an intelligence case. that does not mean that there was a bomb. that does not mean that isis is behind it, however, unfortunately, because of these leaks, because of these statements, it doesn't matter now if there was a bomb or no bomb. it doesn't matter if isis was behind it or not. >> now gotten credit for it. >> absolutely. the narrative is set. everyone if you have a credible investigation later on that said you know what? we don't believe it's a bomb. a lot of people who isis trying to reach out for, they already believe it's a bomb and won't believe the result of a credible
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investigation. kind of like the genie out of the bottle. >> they did something al qaeda has not been able to do. >> absolutely. you're talking about a threat to the aviation security about 14 years after 9/11 and they were able to down the plane with 224 passenger on it. >> juliette, the so-called chat there had previously led the u.s. to believe a bomb brought down the plane, how reliable is that intelligence? >> i don't want to say i'm skeptical. i would agree with the president, of course, it's a possibility. we don't know yet and we -- there are consequences to rushing to judgment. for the most part because russia, the u.k. and u.s. are all involved. those are major nations with troops in the area. we just want to get it right and the chatter that we're hearing about came after the bombing or after the airplane went down and
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it is likely, i think, that david cameron probably disclosed more than he wanted to in terms of his certainty. he does not want to disclose what we know or what we're doing to capture the intelligence and as you've seen over the last 24 hours, sort of walking back that certainty. so like everyone else, of course it's a possibility but there are consequences to rushing at the stage that have more to do with -- sorry, more to do with reality than politics or administration trying to hide the ball. there are consequences for the narrative that's being written right now and we should just all take a deep breath and let the investigation go forward because if it was a bomb, it is a game changer. >> how significant do you think it is that this chatter was post the plane going down? >> i'm kind of -- i don't believe much in chatter. i mean, this is raw material. you have to take it and analyze and it say okay, who is the person talking? does it match the reality on the
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ground? does it match the evidence that we are finding? so it's -- you cannot just take chatter and build a case upon that. you cannot build even an intelligence case upon one or two communication, you know, terrorists we know for example, they always brag about doing something that they don't do. they always brag about doing something that they did not do. so we have to be very careful what they talk about and what they say. that's why i believe that we need to take our time in order to wait and see if there is any forensic evidence that support the claims of isis and it's affiliate. >> i'll say one thing picking up, it is a game changer and one of the shocking things or surprising things in the last couple days is the extension which great britain got out there closes flights and abandons citizens. if there is anything to learn here, i have been surprised the british have not had a back up
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plan and nationals. if we learn a lot out of this, that's certainly a lesson. >> thank you. >> thank you. well, when we come back tonight, we'll explore the question this latest attack raises. can you make air travel secure? an expert called in after the 9/11 attacks to fix problems at boston's airport and see what is being done on the ground itself in egypt. there is also more breaking news tonight, the sad and twisted story that disgraced police officer lieutenant joe gliniewicz taking yet another shocking turn. a town official learned he was trying to have her killed. if a denture were to be
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. the breaking news american authorities may alter security
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measures in the wake of metro jet 9268 comes at the global spotlight where the doomed airliner originated. officials in cairo initially downplayed concerns saying no changes made because none were necessary. tonight the question is what, if anything, has actually changed at that airport since then? more on that from ian lee. >> reporter: there is a noticeable increase in security here at sham el sheikh airport. even before you get into the terminal, there is a check point where they go through your luggage. there is a bomb sniffing dog as well and you come into here and this is one of the many layers of security where they scan your luggage and you go through a metal detector and see this man is being scrutinized here. they will probably bat him down as we saw just about an hour ago there were hundreds of people here going through this very process. i asked them how they felt flying out of here almost everyone said that they felt safe. we know u.k. and egyptian officials have been working on
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security here at the airport. we're told the atmosphere is one of cooperation between the two trying to make it safe so the british planes can resume flights back at the u.k. >> ian lee joins us now. what security is like for people boarding flights but it seems like if this was a bomb, there's a lot of theories it came in through the backdoor, through someone who had direct access to the plane. do we know what security has any security change the for the personnel that work the aircraft? >> reporter: well, anderson, the egyptian government still goes with believing that this was a mechanical issue, but if there was someone who did plant that bomb on the airplane, the egyptian authorities will be trying to find that person. they had issues with police officers and as well as soldiers they accuse of helping terrorist organizations. they have been arrested since the 2011 revolution.
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but the real question here in egypt for them is going to be how to make sure something like this doesn't have and they do have background checks but you do have a very large security apparatus here so it would be hard to check everyone and to make sure everyone is going to be legitimate. but when you look at security, also, there are questions of capabilities. are they well trained enough to detect these sort of things? do they know what they are looking for? this is one of the concerns that the british government had when they came here to see what the situation was to resume those flights. >> ian, appreciate the reporting tonight. i want to get to richard quest. he joins us. so does raffe ron and if you've ever flown in and out of there, you know no one does airport security like they do. i want to start with richard. it doesn't matter if you have a check before you drive into the
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airport, if you have people looking at your passport three or four times and people walking around with machine guns if the backdoor is open and those who have access to the plane cleaning it or fixing it or catering it aren't even being screened and the reporting as of last night was that the egyptian authorities hadn't even interviewed the people that work at the airport. >> we've well gone beyond alison in wonderland the way this is being handled and not only do you have the egyptians saying it's not a bomb, but now they seem to be saying well, just in case it is a bomb, we'll increase security anyway. >> right, the front door. >> at the front door, not at the backdoor. what this is is a direct reaction to the pressure being put to bear by particularly the british who have already sent in experts to tighten up procedures. my understanding is when the british tourists are going to be evaluacuated tomorrow, the lugg won't be on the aircraft.
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they are flying the luggage separately and the planes they use will have the hole sealed and armed guards around them. why -- until we know first of all whether it was a bomb, and secondly, what was the avenue by which it got on the aircraft, all this other stuff at the front is just window dressing. >> how secure are planes when they are at an airport having maintenance done or getting fueled or having the baggage loaded on? there are people, are there safeguards throughout that process to make sure nothing happens. because the united states, the case out of atlanta of baggage handlers putting weapons and transporting weapons on aircraft. >> yeah, this is correct. i think that one of the problems with the strategy that we have been implementing since 9/11 is that over 990% of our attention is directed at the passenger and his bags, his or her bags and to
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a large extent, we have been paying much less attention to issues of facility security. we had embarrassing incidents like a stowaway 16-year-old boy who lost his life. >> we had a freeze there on the internet. on the connection, on the skype connection. it's ludicrous, it's incredible to me that 14 years after 9/11, here we are still discussing -- >> i'm going to argue both ways. and the other side of course is you can never have 100% total security. we all pretty much except that. you're constantly looking for the weak points, the weakling and what they have to discover here is was this something systemic or something unique to
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sham el sheikh it could only happen there because of lax procedures. >> if it is true they are not interviewing those who work at the airport thanks seems to be -- >> we don't know. >> isn't the clock ticking. >> we don't know because frankly the egyptians haven't had any press conferences. they had interviews but nothing like the regular daily press conferences that we would have expected. >> transparency is not something they are used to. >> we complained about malaysia and at least they had press conferences. you get these. there is no measure of a correct decimation of information of where this stands and into that vacuum you've got the brits and the americans screaming bombs. you've got the russians and egyptians saying no it's not. >> richard, good to have you on. want to apologize for the internet difficulties. up next, what we know about the isis affiliate that claimed responsibility and right now a claim of responsibility for
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downing the plane and how they may pose a danger to hundreds of u.s. peace keeping troops. details exposed about the alleged crooked cop that killed himself say authorities. why he tried to hire a hit man. i'll speak with the woman who they say he wanted to kill when we continue. lilly baker is preparing for college. she'll use that education to get a job. she'll use that job to buy a home. this is lilly baker.
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more now on breaking news, the tsa considering security changes and president obama for the first time publicly saying that it is possible a bomb brought down metro jet 9268. an isis affiliate claimed responsibility however as you've heard not everyone is convinced. on the other hand, the group is on the rise in sinai and could be a threat to hundreds of american troops there. brian todd reports. >> reporter: they brought down an egyptian helicopter with a shoulder fired missile. they claimed they hit this egyptian warship. and right near their stronghold in north sinai is where these u.s. troops are stationed. in early september four american soldiers from that base were wounded in an ied attack
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believed to be carried out by isis' lethal affiliate in sinai. the u.s. sent reinforcements to boost security when you heard that, what was going through your mind? >> i was right back there. i could remember the base where i was, how i lived and all that and there is concern for the people that are there. >> reporter: in 2011 and 2012, rich green was an army sergeant major deployed with task force sinai, a contin gent of 700 american troops. their position to observe and report what israeli and egyptian forces are doing and report militant activities but they are peace keepers lightly armed. >> they are out gunned by the terrorist right now and it's a dangerous mix. >> reporter: the american's heaviest weapons were machine guns on try pots. >> the infantry have squad
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weapons but nothing that would take on a large, you know, coordinated attack. >> reporter: and that's exactly what they may be up against. the isis affiliate in sinai which u.s. officials siting intelligence say may have been along isis groups that could have planted a bomb on the russian passenger plane is a terror cell growing in capability known as sinai, they pledged allegiance adopting the brablding and brutal tactics. analysts say they killed an american oil worker, beheaded a croatia man. will they get more manpower and weapons? the associated press said the ocbama administration was considering whether to bolster the force or withdraw it completely from sinai? u.s. officials won't comment on that but one defense official
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said they are always adapting force protection measures to deal with threats. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> a lot to discuss joining us tonight, retired admiral and former commander and chancellor at the university of texas school system. admiral, if in fact, there was a bomb on board this aircraft and if in fact it was isis or an isis affiliated group, how much of a game changer is this? >> well, one, i think it remains to be determined whether or not it was isis but if it was, i'm not sure it's much of a game changer. we need to have a strategy to go against isis irrespective of whether or not this was an isis attack or not. i think the president as i have seen reports is beginning to develop a strategy. he's put 50 special operations forces on the ground in sir syria and that's a good first step but we need to look at the broader approach to going after
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isis. >> in terms of battling isis and trying to defeat them and other groups, you think it's going to take more than just an increase in special operations forces in the short term. i mean, you've talked about a generational conflict here. >> yeah, i do believe it's a generational conflict and i think the hard part is for the american people to recognize we're in a war. we're in a serious war, and we may not look it. we may not hope that we have to fight it, but the fact of the matter is wishing it away will not make it any easier and so we've got to come up with a strategy to aggressively go after isis. >> there are a lot of people who certainly want to move away from iraq, move away from afghanistan and get all u.s. forces out. what can, you know, 10,000 or however many u.s. forces on the ground in iraq do that we couldn't do years ago with the iraqi forces? >> well, i think we did do it years ago with iraqi forces, anderson. if you look where we were when
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we left iraq, the iraqi army was in a good place. admittedly, i would like to have seen us stay there longer but i understand the president's decision to move us out. the iraqi army was in a pretty good position when we left. they were reasonable well trained and certainly not as integrated as we would have liked to have seen and i think we saw the result of that lack of integration when isis crossed the boarder and began to engage. the steps we're taking now in iraq, approximately 3500 folks on the ground, this is a great first step but i think what we got to be able to do is look at this in a broader context. we have to understand this fight against isis is not something we can do on margins but i think this is a generational fight and will require, unfortunately, the lives of more young men and women and billions of dollars to destroy the threat. if we don't do it now, we'll have to do it later. it's just a matter of time sglg this is probably a stupid
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question but why does it seems the forces the united states support in iraq and afghanistan need billions of dollars and constant training but the forces we raid against seem to not? i mean, they have foreign fighters. they don't necessarily have extensive training. they seem quite capable in ways that these well-trained forces or once well-trained forces aren't. >> yeah, because they have no rules. because one, they have very little structure so you are fighting this kind of a group in isis. they have leadership and some structure but when you're an unconventional source like isis it's much harder to defeat. they live among the people day in and out so the issues of drone strikes and leadership, it's hard to find the leadership when during the day they look like the average potentially innocent syrians out there. so it's just a much, much tougher fight to go against an unconventional enemy that really has no rules of engagement and
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don't respond to the conflict and international conventions. so in someways it ties our hands to make it harder to go after them. >> admiral, appreciate you taking the time to talk to us. thank you. >> my pleasure, thank you. breaking news here at home. disturbing new details about a police officer once hailed as a hero slammed as crooked. see how far investigators say he was willing to go before he took his life. marco rubio says claims he misused a credit card are debunked and he's been cleared of wrongdoing. what about the twoer ya eyears missing records? we're keeping him honest ahead. no off-days, or downtime. opportunity is everything you make of it. this winter, take advantage of our season's best offers on the latest generation of cadillacs. the 2016 cadillac srx.
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about this time last night we told you lieutenant joe gliniewicz was not murdered but staged a crime scene. he was stealing mentoring program and was about to be exposed. two family members are being
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investigated and details how far the officer was prepared to go to coverup the alleged crimes before he killed himself. rosa flores joins me. the details he allegedly tried to get a hit, what's the latest on that? >> reporter: you know, anderson, they are disturbing details and zero in on two specific things that we've learned tonight. first of all, the allegations of planting of evidence on this village administrator and hits on her life. administrators confirming to cnn tonight they learned about those threats after lieutenant gliniewicz tdied at that point n time, police officers providing security for her and her family to secure her and her family. now, about the possible allegations of planting of evidence, cnn sources do confirm
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that lieutenant gliniewicz had cocaine in his desk. this cocaine was obtained after his death. now, late tonight, during a press conference, the press asking village administrators if that cocaine was indeed there to plant on the village administrator. their answer was no. but again, anderson, disturbing details here. >> there are also expanding the investigation now to the family of this officer, is that right? >> reporter: sources confirming to cnn tonight, anderson, that indeed the widow of lieutenant gliniewicz and his son are being investigated for possible relations to the embezzlement. thousands of dollars uncovered yesterday. now cnn sources telling cnn that this widow and her son were heavily involved. again, all of this still under investigation, but i got to
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mention this because remember those deleted text messages that were released by authorities yesterday? cnn sources telling us that the individuals in these messages that were exchanging these messages with lieutenant gliniewicz were individual number one who was the widow and individual number two who was the son. investigators reminding everyone yesterday that when you delete a message, that doesn't mean that that message is completely gone. >> rosa flores, thanks very much. what makes that so fascinating is his widow and son were actually very out in front of the cameras defending officer gliniewicz saying there is no way he would co-committed saw side and now it's interesting to hear they are the focus of investigation. the last 48 hours have been wrenching for the community of fox lake but the village administrator has gotten the biggest shock of all learning from investigators the lieutenant wanted to kill her. she joins me for an exclusive
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interview. ann, when i first heard of this i was trying to imagine what went through your mind when you learned officer gliniewicz was trying to take a hit out on you. >> i was stunned, absolutely stunned. it is definitely not a good feeling and it's very scary in the same sense, as well. it's almost surreal. >> i mean, he not only sent texts about taking a hit out on you but sent others a text saying that you hated him even though he never had more than three sentences with you or exchanged three sentences with you. did it surprise you to hear that? did you have any idea you thought you hated him? >> as he said, we had very little conversation and the ones we did were mostly about the explorer program, special events and things such as that so it was very minimal and always very pleasant. there weren't any bad words exchanged. >> so you brought in to review all the departments in fox lake and did you notice red flags
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right away with the explorer program? >> as i started to focus on it, yes, i did notice red flags. several would be things when i ask questions how does this work or who takes care of the money? how is this paid for? there were a lot of questions nobody seemed to know the answers to, which kind of made me wonder what was really going on there. >> so you reached out to him to get an inventory to the program. how did he respond? >> i ask if he had an inventory and he said yes, ma'am and i said can you get it to me by 2:00 today? he said yes, ma'am. that was the end of the conversation. >> how soon was that before he -- before he died? >> that was the day before. the next day that tuesday morning i received an e-mail from him at about 6:54 a.m. saying i'll have that inventory to you by noon or 1:00 today and then the incident happened. >> and when you initially heard
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about the incident, you heard, you know, and everyone thought this officer was killed in the line of duty, were you suspicious at all? >> well, i thought it was strange as far as the timing of the e-mail, where he was because that's not -- it's kind of a remote area, however, you know, we got into first response mode where we were, you know, locking down buildings. we were calling in other agencies. it got to be quite a crazy, hectic day. >> are you concerned for your safety at all still? >> i've been assured not only by the task force, our police department and other agencies out there that i am fine. my biggest fear is for my family and not being able to say a lot of things to them but being scared. it puts a small sense of fear in you of things going on around you. you're more open and more watchful of the world around you. >> i can't imagine what it's like to be doing the job you do
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and find yourself in this bizarre situation. it's surreal. >> thank you. >> more breaking news tonight, late word on republicans will not be in the next prime time debate to make the stage at all. also marco rubio says attacks by republican party credit card are old news. drew griffin has been digging and talking to people who knew him. >> willing to go and you're saying marco rubio thought he had carp launch he had an american express card. your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. when it comes to helping you reach your financial goals,t taking small, manageable steps can be an effective...
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there is breaking news on the campaign trail. fox business news released the lineup for the republican debate in milwaukee. big changes and qualified for the prime time debate. they got bumped down. george and senator lindsey graham will not be debating at all. on the campaign trail, marco rubio's personal finances are being attacked, specifically misuse of republican party
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credit card. senator rubio is dismissing the attacks has much to do about nothing. here is what he said on good morning america. >> it wasn't a credit card. american express charge card secured through me. the bills mailed to me at home. every month i went through it. if there was a personal expense i paid it, if it was party, they paid it. the republican party never paid a single personal expense of mine. >> allegations senator rubio misused the credit card have been following him for years and never completely put to rest. here is drew griffin with more. >> reporter: for some of the people that know marco rubio republican consultant chris ingram, the candidate's explanations are doing little to clear up the controversy. >> to me having known him and seeing him in action and seeing the pattern of behavior of his, sense of entitlement and explaining things away without
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taking any kind of accountability of responsibility for what he's done, blaming others and there is always an excuse. >> reporter: questions of marco rubio's spending on a republican party charge card first surfaced in his u.s. senate campaign in 2010 when the tampa bay times and mia"miami herald" were leak these, two years of records from when marco rubio was a powerful state lawmaker in tallahassee. the records show lots of personal spending that include movie tickets, charges to a wine store, a family vacation and even $1,000 for damage to his mini van and thousands more for a rental car to replace it. some of it personal spending that was against the state republican party's rules. rubio has explained them all away. wine store actually sold sandwiches, the mini van damage at a republican party event. for other questionable charges, a mistake in use of the wrong credit card in his wallet. for which he would eventually
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reimburse the state republican party. in fact, after records became public, rubio paid back more than $16,000 in charges he placed on the cord. it was all part of a major scandal in the florida republican party at the time that sent the party chairman to prison but rubio was never charged. a former republican majority leader in florida who worked with marco rubio in state politics and one time considered his mentor says it was a bad time for the florida republican party. >> i was a senator at the time and when he was the majority leader in incoming speaker and then of course speaker of the house, you start hearing, learning and start reading about how he was abusing the american express card that was given to him by the republican party of florida. >> reporter: after leaving state politics as a state tax assess sore, he doesn't talk to marco rubio or support him. he's given some money to the jeb bush campaign but says his
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questions about marco rubio are not based on a current political campaign. they have concerned him for years. >> it became very disturbing to me of how he was using other people's money. the example he was setting was just spend it as freely as you want and we'll just go out and raise more. >> reporter: why wasn't the republican party and state of florida at that time a better steward of their donated dollars? >> the culture changed when all of a sudden when you become the majority party and have access to literally not just hundreds of thousands but millions of dollars available to you and you can spend them and go out and just raise more dollars from those same donors. >> reporter: so florida republicans were rolling in dough and marco rubio thought he had carp launch. >> no, an american express card.
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>> reporter: but he thought this money is lend less? >> absolutely. >> reporter: they say this is rehashing of old news, everything has been explained and even pointed us to this republican paid aud that cleared rubio of any wrongdoing but there is still a lot we don't know. two years of information on marco rubio's american express charges to be exact and why haven't those records been released? that so far is unclear. he told dana bash he's working on it. >> these are old documents. i have no problem releasing it. we have nothing to acult here. >> reporter: rubio has been with holding them at least since 2010 when the same issue came up in the same u.s. senate race. immediately resolve the issue by just releasing the records. >> i think number one, marco could certainly come up with them. he's admitted and acknowledged he has the records, the american express statements for the period of two years. >> reporter: ingram shared this
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e-mail exchange that he had with rubio in 2009 in which rubio was trying to explain personal charges on his republican party card. it is virtually the same explanation rubio still gives today. any personal charges were paid by me directly and it's not a republican party of florida card. it is my card opened under the corporate division of amex using my personal credit. ingram says if he were advising rubio today, he would tell him the same thing he says he told them back then, release the records and end the controversy but chris ingram flatly says telling the actual truth is just not the marco rubio he knows. >> i think that maybe he doesn't see the real truth as being important and i think that he sees that his indiscretions are not really a problem. >> so why hasn't the senator released the records? has he ever given a reason? >> well, when first asked in 2010, he says he wasn't going to
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release them and they were private property. he wasn't required to release them. he's changed his tune. now he's under fire by national press under pressure to release them so now he says he will release them as soon as he can get those records together. >> but so far, he's yet to release any of the records voluntarily at this point. >> correct. those two years of records that we sited, they came from a leak and so far no other records have surfaced publicly. >> drew griffin, thanks very much. we'll be right back. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now.
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before we go, quick update on checks that could come to an airport near you. tsa officials weighing security changes in the airports in the united states. we could learn shortly what this would entail. president obama today said it was a possibility a bomb brought the russian airbus down with the
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loss of 224 lives. we'll continue to monitor developments of course. is that does it for us at this hour. we'll see you again at 11:00 p.m. eastern. anthony bourdain parts unknown starts now. when i first went up this river, i was sick with love. the bad kind. the fist around your love kind. i ran far but there was no escaping it. it followed me up river all the way. that was ten long years ago, a previous episode of a previous series in a previous l